On May 16, the 5th General Meeting of NPO "Valid Utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station" was had at Waseda University, Tokyo, where new board members and Chair and Vice Chair were elected. Prof.
Shiro Hatakeyama was elected to be the Chair and Dr. Masako Horii to be the Vice Chair of the NPO.
On May 16, Prof. Yasunobu Iwasaka, one of the board members of NPO was laureated Fujiwara Prize from Japan Society of Meteorology on his researches on aerosols and Kosa.
On March 25, NPO "Valid Utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station" was formally selected to rent the buildings of former Mt. Fuji Weather Station in coming three years, from July, 2010.
Annual Meeting of NPO "Valid Utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station" was held at Koshiba Hall, the University of Tokyo, where 21 presentations on the results of 2009 summer campaign was
Call for research proposals for the 2010 summer campaign
We are now, accepting your research proposals for the summer campaign, 2010 no later than Jan. 31, 2010 ( by e-mail to npofuji3776@yahoo.co.jp using the form attached).
Dear colleagues,
We are now, accepting your researchproposals for the summer campaign, 2010 (July - August). In the 2009 summer campaign, 21 researches of 5 fields (atmospheric chemistry, high altitude medical
sciences, ecology, cosmic ray research, and communication technology) were conducted during July 10 to August 30.
The operation cost of the logistics at the research site was supported by funds from JAMSTEC and NIES each performing the researches on trans-boundary air pollution and greenhouse gas analyses as
well as funds from the Watanabe Memmoprial Foundation for the Advancement of Technology and Japan Post Service Co.,Ltd.
Many uncertainties, however, do exists in the plan of 2010 campaign, mainly due to the weather conditions, discussions with JMA (The formal owner of the weather station) and the amount of support
funds other than the above-mentioned four, etc. But, we would like to have your application form no later than January 30, 2010, by e-mail to dokiya@edogawa-u.ac.jp (downloaded:the application forms for research proposal)
You will be requested to become the member(s) of the NPO.
Your proposals will be selected in the academic committee of the NPO, and the adopted proposal will be notified in the Web site before the end of March, 2010. The exact schedule should be
negotiated after then.
NPO "Valid Utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station"
Contact person: Yukiko Dokiya (Prof.)
e-mail: dokiya@edogawa-u.ac.jp