A study of reproductive modes in bryophyte in summit are of Mt. Fuji

Name of research institute or organization:
National Institute of Polar Research, SOKENDAI

Title of project:

A study of reproductive modes in bryophyte in summit are of Mt. Fuji

Project leader and team:
Satoshi IMURA

Fumino Maruo/National Institute of Polar Research, SOKENDAI

Project description:

In this study, we tried to clarify the reproduction modes of Racomitrium lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid. (Grimmiaceae, dioicous) along an environmental gradient, especially on the temperature, at the margin of their distribution area.  We conducted this study at alpine zone (2400 to 3700 m) of Mt.Fuji in Japan.  The study sites were placed every 100 m alt. in this zone.  We investigated frequency of sporophyte and gametangia, sex ratio and size of gametangia in R. lanuginosum.  Male and female inflorescences were found at every sites.  Frequency of male inflorescence per shoot and antherdium per male inflorescence decreased with increasing altitude.  There was little change in frequency of female inflorescence per shoot and archegonium per female inflorescence.  Sexual reproduction (production of sporophyte) was observed only at lower altitudes.

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The mission of MFRS is to support and enhance the activities of researchers and students in various fields of science and education by maintaining and providing a unique Research Station atop Mt. Fuji.

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