Posts tagged with "Megumi"

07. August 2016
On July 29, 2016, a Student Presentation Award was given to Ms. Megumi Nakamura (graduate student of Waseda University ) at the 7th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew held at Wroc?aw, Poland during 24-29 July, 2016 by the research shown below. Observation of Cloud Water Chemistry in the Free Troposphere on Mt. Fuji Megumi NAKAMURA(1), Hiroshi OKOCHI(1), Shin OGAWA(1), Hiroko OGATA(1), Toshio Nagoya(1), Naoya KATSUMI(1), Yukiya MINAMI(2), Hiroshi KOBAYASHI(3), Kazuhiko...

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The mission of MFRS is to support and enhance the activities of researchers and students in various fields of science and education by maintaining and providing a unique Research Station atop Mt. Fuji.

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