Gnenva, 25 march 2004


Prof. Yukiko Dokiya

Edogawa University

474 Komagi, Nagareyama

CHIBA, 270-0198






This letter is to acknowledge that Mt. Fuji is a unique Mountain Observatory where long term measurements of atmospheric chemistry observations, consistent with the guidelines and protocols of the World Meteorological Organization's Global Atmospheric Watch programme, would be welcome. Mt Fuji is a high elevation observatory that samples the middle troposphere and would fill a large gap in the GAW global network of elevated observatories that include Mt. Wliguan, China; Mauna Loa, Hawaii; Jungfrau Joch, Switzerland; Mt Kenya, Kenya and the South Pole. If a strong consortium of partners could be put together to share logistical costs of Mt. Fuji. it would be a lot more attractive to everyone. Automated sampling with remote control now makes the cost of measurements less than they used to be. This is an approach that I think could be emphasized for Mt. Fuji.


A long tern measurement programme combined with intensive short-term studies, is a very effective way to advance our understanding of climate, air quality, ozone depletion and the oxidizing power of the atmosphere. In a recent strategy for Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation (IGACO) that WMO and the European Space Agency have led under the International Global Observing Strategy, the lack of systematic chemical composition observations in the mid-troposphere is emphasized. Because of its unique shape, Mt Fuji offers a vantage point to sample the relatively undisturbed mid-troposphere. These observation from the Earth's surface fill a large gap and are much less expensive than systematic aircraft or balloon observations.


L. Barrie


Environment Division

Atmospheric Research and

Environment Programme Department


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The mission of MFRS is to support and enhance the activities of researchers and students in various fields of science and education by maintaining and providing a unique Research Station atop Mt. Fuji.

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